Generate stitches
Design by design ES, stitches are automatically generated from the design outlines and properties. You can also make the stitches as you digitize, or Wait until you have set the line. By generating (stitches on the default), the stitches are calculated for new objects every time you press Enter. They also updated each time you change the scale, or move the object. If speed is a problem, you can digitize the object with the resulting seam. You can also select Remove all generated objects and stitches. With Generate stitches off, only the object outline appears to generate stitches. To generate a new object for stitching or selected, click generate Stitch icons or press G. 
Generate Stitches Wilcom ES9,

If any objects are selected, the stitches generated for them automatically. If there is an object that is currently selected, the stitches generated for the new object as soon as you press Enter. To remove the stitches, or digitize without producing stitches, Remove Generate stitches. Tips to make sure the Show outlines of objects will not be selected or look in the window design

Measure the distance of the screen
Measure the distance between two points on the screen using the size command. You can show these measurements in the tooltip. Measurement displayed in millimeters or inches, depending on the options selected in the The Windows Control Panel. See your Windows documentation for more information. Tip for more accurate results, zoom before you measure. The the measurement is always with the actual size, and are not affected by zoom factors.

Enter the security code
Options in the design of ES that is controlled by the Dongle attached to good parallel port or USB port of your computer, and code access security included in the software. Any security device has unique serial number and identity code. New options can be added and the product is enhanced by change the preferred device security. To do this you need to enter the new code access security. This was sent via fax or email. You can enter the code manually, or imported from a text file. See also device connection problem.

Identify your security device
When referring to your system in a correspondence or by telephone, you need to quote the serial number and code identity. This information is found in the dialog Security Device. Tip If you need to send the information security device Wilcom support or Your reseller, send screengrab security device dialog to save you write the information and ensure that accurate details posted. It also assured Wilcom that correct information has supplied
