Manual Digitizing
Manual digitalization allows You to build a design from a basic form of embroidery or object. The means by which the right is not the same to create forms that are not a matter of design or similar. After You choose the media, 'digitize' with mark a reference point along the line.
Embroidery Objects
Design made in the ice consists of embroidery 'object' that has their own unique set of 'property', including also existed, stitch settings & colors. This Property is stored with each object and will be modified each time. The most important object properties is a type of embroidery stitches. Stitches can be modified in the object level, for example by changing the category of a seam. Except that, the individual edits is able to stitch is made, although this must be strictly limited to fine-tuning.
Resulted in Stitches
By design, ES seam by means of automatic lines resulting from the draft as well as the property. You can choose to bypass the stitches as You digitize or after you have defined the line. If the stitches or the line design that switch, the stitches in the reconfigured automatically. This means you can scale, change print & ES. The draft does not affect the quality or density stitch. A modified design stitch quality as original, no matter how many changes were made.
When you start a new design, since ES utilizes the default settings or 'value' is stored in a template. Part of the design makes use of the ' Normal ' templates, but You will create and make use of your own. You'll put a custom object properties in the template, just as favorite Stitch or letters setting
Choose Artwork for Embroidery
Works of art in the format of the bitmap and vector would be included, pasted or scan to the ice for the required constitute the background to digitize. Create creating quality embroidery, You must choose the appropriate artwork. Create a manual as well as automatic digitizing desire, 'clean' image with a limited number of solid colors as well as a well defined outlines as most good work clipart