(Graphic 1) Connector link object in the draft. They will run or jump stitches. You can use automatic arrangements for future utilizing led connectors, trims & tie-off, or connect them with a manual way. Look at the pictures below.
Improving the quality of sewing
(Graphic 2) ES design provide not a few techniques for achieving a smooth, even the placement of the seams, eliminating gaps in the draft & you. Strengthening and stabilizing design with underlayers automatically.
Control the seam side of the corners a clever handling long perfecting & stitching together Auto Split Auto & jump. Set the automatic start and end point ever since. This feature is all the object properties will apply & deleted or modified can be seen sewing in order to improve the quality of detail
(Graphic 3) This entire featured object properties can be applied, & deleted or modified can be seen to improve the quality of sewing in more detail
Customize the layout of the letter
ES design give you numerical control which interactive & pas does little letters influencing settings object. Adjust the 2nd letter of the individual as well as the letter of the object by means of the total. Apply horizontal, vertical curved & baselines. Change the basic type, length, radius, as well as hand & position. You can even specify a rotation in terms of the relative basic letters or design it yourself.
Adjust the settings of the stitch letters
Time comes to stitch, You can fine-tune the density, add pull compensation & undercoat, or turn to the Center-out stitches. As entirely embroidered objects, each object has properties letter stitches. Adjust the settings to each step. ICE design was reply controls give you fits